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XXXVII Torneig Open de Martorell Grup A (226272)

Darrera actualització17.11.2019 10:29:38, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Jaume Gallart Zafra

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Rànquing inicial

1GMMunoz Miguel380022925192578
2FMEsplugas Esteve Vicenc2220078923722430
3IMGual Pascual Antonio220058923372432
4IMGonzalez Rodriguez Jorge A.440024022632422S60
5MKNieto Farreny Francesc227698422322349
6FMAvila Jimenez Xavier221053322002336
7MKCampos Olaya Israel222354621982317
8MKNoria Silvestre Joaquin220061921772198S60
9Sirera Bargallo Tomas3202875021182262
10MKLacasta Palacio Joaquim221673620932241
11Gonzalez Cuervo Eloy223929920822208
12Boyer Censore Giuseppe Enmanuel390908520752165
13MKMenac Comas Joan Ramon225530820262128A
14Sharaibi Olufemi2226062520152169
15MKMacaya Ruiz Alfons229700020122172S60
16Ayala Abenza Jose Luis225529420012172
17Duran Montero Manuel222053920002142A
18Torrents Busquet Marti3208676819792207
19Creus Sola Andreu227783219582126S60A
20Ruiz Herrero Victor5455709719532101A
21MKBorrellas Comellas Josep220999319432110S60A
22Luque Castells Jordi225568519292082A
23Lopez Artigas Sergio226215019212068A
24Canela Gimenez Maria Concepcion2228350118902065S60A
25Lluverol Torrents Salvador2222524218452015S60B
26Soler Bel Josep3209076518362026S60B
27Bieg Pagel Clemens227017018182039B
28Cabanillas Roca Christian3206966918122008B
29Aullon Coral Nil2458497518052040U16B
30Ruiz Soria Adria5452994817761973U16B
31Gomez Navais Marcal2458550517261929U16B
32Cots Valls Jordi2451811516761890S60B