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Campeonato de Bizkaia Individual (categoria primera)

Last update 25.11.2006 22:22:04, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank list

1Lozoya Rodriguez Alberto21232040
2Torres Novalbos David20111952
3Martinez Pelaez David19861969
4Serrano Martinez Antonio19571864
5Valdezate Suarez Fernando02081
6Lombraa Fuente Iaki02063
7Sanchez Dolado Jorge01966
8Gallastegui Arregui Aitor01961
9Goiria Montoya Anton01929
10Arrillaga Romero Oscar01925
11Gallastegui Zorrozua Karmelo01915
12Gutierrez Renedo Manuel01886
13Arostegi Lejarza Joseba01882
14Arrillaga Romero David01880
15Mendez Nuez Jose Antonio01870
16Garcia Rodriguez Mariano01835
17Arabiotorre Arbulu Aitor01829
18Gonzalez Pereira Asier01802
19Regillaga Otao Jon01779
20Iza Gallastegui Asier01740
21Leniz Marques Iaki0907
22Aboitiz Olabarriaga Beat0886
23Prieto Aragon Isidoro0841
24Cosgaya Garcia Marcelino0683
25Quincoces Bouron Mikel0658