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Scarborough Foundation

Last update 27.10.2019 19:26:45, Creator/Last Upload: Lara Barnes IA

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Starting rank

1Amos Bob423858ENG115Prescot & Knotty Ash
2Watson Andrew1805487WLS115Wales
3Thackray Ian M422541ENG114Rose Forgrove
4Blower Trevor RENG113Barrow
5Huang KiatENG113Louth
6Murphy Martin PENG113Denton
7Weightman PaulENG113Billingham Synthonia
8Barker Ian454460ENG112Darnall & Handsworth
9Namouk Omer AENG112Hastings & St Leonards
10Smart A DavidENG112Dons
11Bainbridge Bryan JENG111Bishop Auckland
12Jones Zebedee424293ENG111Hackney
13Ryder ArthurENG111Denton
14Siddle MichaelENG111Bishop Auckland
15Sugden John E444472ENG111Withernsea
16Doust Antony431230ENG110Marple
17Lovegrove David CharlesENG110Newport (Shropshire)
18Walker John MENG110Kirby Castlers
19Jackson MalcolmENG109Ashfield
20Jarah Edward W460826ENG109Gosforth
21Johnson Stanley430080ENG109South Shields
22King SteveENG109Hull
23Ainsley Geoff JENG107Calderdale
24Allen Timothy S419699ENG107Battersea
25Page Michael J468401ENG107Rugeley
26Scorer David MENG107Clitheroe
27Whitaker Brian444570ENG107Thornaby
28Foss Michael PENG106Woking
29Johnson IanENG106Richmond (Yorks)
30Marshall Graham RENG106Hartlepool
31Skillcorn VinceENG106Billingham Synthonia
32Clarke GaryENG105Gosforth
33Hilditch-Love Daniel483559ENG105Newport (Shropshire)
34Sayer Ray M405990ENG105Ashfield
35Whitehouse ColinENG105Rotherham
36Woollard Josephine462063ENG105Sheffield Nomads
37Coleman Patrick NENG104Lytham St Annes
38Farrow IanENG104Dons
39Summerland David436607ENG103West Leeds
40Duff Ryan JgENG102Forest Hall
41Wilson Jeff462055ENG102Blue Club (Oldham)
42Lowcock DavidENG101Athenaeum Hartlepool
43Snowdon Michael440507ENG101Rotherham
44Davies Eric P475521ENG100West Leeds
45Hurley DaveENG100Atticus
46Priest Mark TENG99Athenaeum Hartlepool
47Ayton CharlesENG98Louth
48Jones SimonENG98Bradford
49Revitt IanENG98Chess Mates Northampton
50Taylor Dave JSCO98Corstophine
51Broderick Paul G438758ENG97Newport (Shropshire)
52Gardner Alan RENG95Sprotborough
53May Philip459119ENG94Limewood & Scarcroft
54Clark Brian LENG92Upper Eskdale
55Nettleship Andrew454591ENG92Aughton
56Ashton AlannahENG913cs
57Marsden Kenneth L475556ENG91West Leeds
58Carr John W434361ENG89Hampshire *
59Howsden GeoffreyENG89Thornaby
60Steele Bob484431ENG89Prescot & Knotty Ash
61Light John454559ENG88Limewood & Scarcroft
62Clynes ChrisENG86Bishop Auckland
63Mcculloch Andrew2405393SCO84Scotland
64Mclaughlin StuartENG84Billingham Synthonia
65Smith Mark J2405113SCO82Edinburgh
66Noble RonnieENG81Scarborough
67Edwards Graham EENG77Billingham Synthonia
68Szasz Lili454630ENG77Yorkshire Juniors
69Riddle Alan431109ENG75Limewood & Scarcroft
70Glass EddieENG72Hartlepool
71Hanks PeterENG70Ulverston
72Heron AndySCO69Glasgow
73Halpin DavidENG63Limewood & Scarcroft
74Carr Wendy443417ENG48Hampshire *
75Barwood TimENG43Hull
76Walker EddaENG22Kirby Castlers
77Donnison Darren JENG0Billingham Synthonia
78Roe PhilipENG0Scarborough