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VI IRT Clasificatorio 2019 DTA Asuncion

Last update 06.08.2019 04:25:40, Creator: Paraguayan Chess Federation,Last Upload: cataman1962

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Starting rank list

1Cantero Rodolfo3703762PAR2133
2Alarcon Jose3700836PAR2082
3Recalde Ariel3700445PAR1899
4Franco Pinanez Miguel A3705170PAR1836
5Vera Gajardo Jorge Luis3700712PAR1808Amanbay
6Britez G Jorge A3700585PAR1794
7Gonzalez Augusto3702529PAR1767
8Benitez Raul Ivan3707270PAR1756
9AIMBenitez Irazusta Eduardo3701948PAR1754
10Ocampos Martin Carlos3701026PAR1726
11Montiel Angel Nathanael3706923PAR1654Amanbay
12Allo Collante Enrique3705021PAR1623
13Esquivel Ojeda Oscar Esteban3709043PAR1621
14Salinas Victor3700941PAR1598CIT
15Samudio Dominguez Emilio Antonio3709116PAR1586
16Paez Rolando3708497PAR1524
17De La Vega Ricardo3704491PAR1514
18Medina Carlos Fermin3704238PAR1510
19Sartorio Fernando3702154PAR1499
20Nunez Pablo3706940PAR1496
21Ayala Ruiz Miguel Angel3709752PAR1489Amanbay
22Aguero Wilson Martin3705765PAR1469
23Frutos Moreno Carlos Manuel3708888PAR1419
24Valdez Oliva Jose Fabian3710955PAR1389
25Ocampos Mereles Martin Alfredo3709736PAR1293
26Allo Collante Violeta3705013PAR1212
27Bareiro Molinas Pedro Alcides3709647PAR1200
28Lopez Bobadilla Fernando3708799PAR1190
29Frutos Gibbons Carlos3707202PAR1185
30Miranda Fernandez Marcos Manuel3708802PAR1144
31Almaraz Aquino Alejandro3708756PAR1136
32Colman Mongelos Lucas Osmar3709914PAR1136
33Frutos Moreno Erico Nicolas3708780PAR1134
34Menacho Admen Victor Gabriel3710807PAR1075
35Torales G. Ivan Alejandro B.3710785PAR1033
36Almaraz Aquino Sergio Gabriel3708926PAR0
37Casartelli Vera Vincenzo Fabrizio3709744PAR0
38kovacs Gonzalez Naomi3708837PAR0
39Lugo Martinez Jimena Sofia3710793PAR0
40Maciel Dure Enzo3710823PAR0
41Valdez Oliva Sofia Guadalupe3710696PAR0