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[MY-ICON] MesaMall Team Chess Tournament 2019 (U12)

Posledná aktualizácia 21.07.2019 13:20:32, Creator:,Last Upload: Kelab Catur Elite 18

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Konečné poradie po 6 kolách

Por.č. DružstvoPartie +  =  -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
12Chess Warrior651001119
21The Brainiacs651001119
36Dark Knight650101016,5
43Puzzle Susah64110917
58The BeautifulFighters - G64110917
64Dragon Game Of Throne64110916
714*ChessMasters @ Irsyad Balok A64020818
85ACM Raptors63210816
919Team MS64020816
1010Puncak Langat Chess Team Junior63210815,5
117H3R Chessmates63210815
1241PDM Girls Fighter - G64020815
1313YCM King Kong64020815
1423*ChessMasters @ Irsyad Balok B64020814
1617*SJKT Nilai64020813,5
1763YCM GrandMonster64020812,5
1815*The Chessmates63120715,5
199PD PRO Chess United63120715,5
2021*Laxmanian (G) B - G63120715
2227*BBST King63120714
2349*SJKT Pusat Telok Datok63120713,5
2436*Killer Queen - G63120712,5
2547Sepang Warriors63120712
2612*Laxmanian A63030613,5
2737Kuantan Elite62220613
2822*SKBA Rook63030612,5
2957*Team SKDJ A63030612
3042*Pelapis SRAISC A63030612
3143*Pelapis SRAISC B63030612
3253*SKBA Queen63030611,5
3352*SKBA Knight62220611
3418PD PRO Chess Community62220611
3556*SRI Seremban62220611
3640*PD PRO Chess SJKT PD63030611
3726*BBST Castle62220611
3846Sepang Stars63030611
3930*BBST Queen - G63030610,5
4061*The Queens62130512
4132Champion Chess Club Dengkil62130511
4260*The Knight Mates62130510
4351*SK Sungai Kelambu - G61320510
4425*BBST Bishop - G61320510
4548*SJKT BBST162130510
4655*SKDAM Team B6213059,5
4758*Team SKDJ B61230410
4824*Al-Fateh AAPM62040410
4962*Ultra Unggul62040410
5059*The Imam50230410
5139*Laxmanian Junior A50230410
5231*BBST Rook - G6042049,5
5320*SKTTDIJaya GIRLS6123049,5
5428*BBST Knight6123049
5535*Khaulah Al-Azwar AAPM - G6123049
5633*Chess Girls SKP6204048,5
5754*SKDAM Team A6204048,5
5850SK Linggi6033039
6029*BBST Pawn6033038
6138*Laxmanian Junior (G) B - G5014038
6245*Salman Al-Farisi AAPM6114037,5
6344*Team SKDJ C6033037
6416Lipis Boys3003000

Tie Break1: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints
Tie Break2: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break3: points (game-points)