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2019 Chinese Chess League Division B

Posledná aktualizácia 27.07.2019 07:15:07, Creator/Last Upload: Chinesechessassociation

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Konečné poradie po 11 kolách

Por.č. DružstvoPartie +  =  -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
11Qingdao Chengyang Club118301940,50
22Qingdao Qingwei Club1183019391
35Shenzhen Ticai1183019391
43Shanghai Qi Yuan1181217400
54Hebei Chess and Card Center1163215360
68Qingdao Chess Association116141333,50
76Nanjing Hexi Branch of Jinling Middle Sc116141331,50
87Heilongjiang Chess and Card Center115331328,50
910Ningbo Huangli School116051229,50
1015Shanxi Chess and Card Center115241227,50
1111Hangzhou Weiqi School116051225,50
1213Shandong Chess and Card Center115151129,50
1323Chongqing Qiling Club114341128,50
149Hebei Chess Association1143411280
1531Qingdao Yucai Club1135311280
1614Shanghai Chess and Card Center1151511270
1732Wen Zhou High Level Training Base115151125,50
1826Qingdao Mayu Club1151511240
1918Chengdu Qi Yuan115151123,50
2121Henan Sports Center115061028,50
2219Chongqing Qingzhi Youth Club115061028,50
2317Shenyang No.126 Middle School115061026,50
2422Beijing Chess and Card Center114251026,50
2520Shenyang Qiqi Culture Center114251023,50
2612Chongqing Qi Yuan114169270
2727Beijing Chaoyang Youth Center11326819,50
2824Shenyang longjiang Club112367190
2929Hainan Chess Association113086230
3025Zhengzhou Baiguoshu Club11218516,50
3128Heilongjiang Shuanghou Club11218515,50
3230Jiangxi Chess Association1100110110

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints