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Brunei 2011 IM Tournament 2

Last update 08.03.2011 05:34:26, Creator: Brunei Chess Federation,Last Upload: Iran Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

2IMBarbosa, OliverPHI2506
6IMKhamrakulov, DzhurabekUZB2479
10GMNguyen, Anh DungVIE2479
5IMNguyen, Van HuyVIE2459
1IMYap, Kim StevenPHI2393
8Pg, L Wijaya Pg Hj Mohd LimbangBRU2301
4Vakhidov, JahongirUZB2295
3FMYee, Soon WeiBRU2285
7Ahmad, Md Siraj MunirBRU2100
9Munir, Azizi Bin AhmadBRU1928