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2019 Belt and Road China Yuecheng Shaoxing International Women Chess Open

Last update 17.07.2019 08:46:41, Creator/Last Upload: Chinesechessassociation

Player overview for MGL

13IMMunguntuul Batkhuyag2412MGL11½½1½01½64
16WFMMunkhzul Turmunkh2386MGL10½10011½514

Results of the last round for MGL

Rd.Bo.No.NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtgNo.
9213IMMunguntuul BatkhuyagMGL2412 ½ - ½ IMGuo QiCHN237517
9716WFMMunkhzul TurmunkhMGL2386 ½ - ½ IMKhademalsharieh SarasadatIRI24816

Player details for MGL

IM Munguntuul Batkhuyag 2412 MGL Rp:2475 Pts. 6
130Bai Xue2029CHN4w 1
220WIMPujari Rucha2268IND3,5s 1
32GMDzagnidze Nana2511GEO5,5w ½
49WIMZhu Jiner2454CHN5,5w ½
526Zhang Lanlin2195CHN4,5s 1
67GMStefanova Antoaneta2474BUL7w ½
71GMKosteniuk Alexandra2517RUS5,5s 0
818Li Xueyi2330CHN4,5s 1
917IMGuo Qi2375CHN6w ½
WFM Munkhzul Turmunkh 2386 MGL Rp:2329 Pts. 5
133Peng Tianlu1901CHN1,5s 1
29WIMZhu Jiner2454CHN5,5w 0
325WIMGu Tianlu2205CHN4,5s ½
423WFMLi Yunshan2254CHN4w 1
53GMTan Zhongyi2511CHN5s 0
614WGMNi Shiqun2407CHN5w 0
727Hu Yu A.2095CHN3s 1
821WIMPratyusha Bodda2265IND4,5w 1
96IMKhademalsharieh Sarasadat2481IRI5w ½