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2019 Belt and Road China Yuecheng Shaoxing International Women Chess Open

Last update 17.07.2019 08:46:41, Creator/Last Upload: Chinesechessassociation

Player overview for GEO

2GMDzagnidze Nana2511GEO½1½½011½½5,59
11GMBatsiashvili Nino2433GEO½010½1½½1516

Results of the last round for GEO

Rd.Bo.No.NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtgNo.
931GMKosteniuk AlexandraRUS25175 ½ - ½5 GMDzagnidze NanaGEO25112
9911GMBatsiashvili NinoGEO24334 1 - 04 WFMLi YunshanCHN225423

Player details for GEO

GM Dzagnidze Nana 2511 GEO Rp:2423 Pts. 5,5
119WIMSong Yuxin2277CHN4,5s ½
223WFMLi Yunshan2254CHN4w 1
313IMMunguntuul Batkhuyag2412MGL6s ½
415WGMSoumya Swaminathan2402IND5w ½
517IMGuo Qi2375CHN6s 0
625WIMGu Tianlu2205CHN4,5w 1
726Zhang Lanlin2195CHN4,5s 1
810GMUshenina Anna2448UKR5,5w ½
91GMKosteniuk Alexandra2517RUS5,5s ½
GM Batsiashvili Nino 2433 GEO Rp:2263 Pts. 5
128Xu Yuze2083CHN3,5w ½
218Li Xueyi2330CHN4,5s 0
331Du Yuxin2015CHN3,5w 1
426Zhang Lanlin2195CHN4,5w 0
527Hu Yu A.2095CHN3s ½
620WIMPujari Rucha2268IND3,5s 1
76IMKhademalsharieh Sarasadat2481IRI5w ½
822Zhang Xiao2259CHN4,5s ½
923WFMLi Yunshan2254CHN4w 1