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2019 Belt and Road China Yuecheng Shaoxing International Women Chess Open

Last update 17.07.2019 08:46:41, Creator/Last Upload: Chinesechessassociation

Player overview for BUL

7GMStefanova Antoaneta2474BUL1½111½1½½71

Results of the last round for BUL

Rd.Bo.No.NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtgNo.
917GMStefanova AntoanetaBUL2474 ½ - ½ GMHarika DronavalliIND24925

Player details for BUL

GM Stefanova Antoaneta 2474 BUL Rp:2627 Pts. 7
124WGMFominykh Maria2243RUS3w 1
215WGMSoumya Swaminathan2402IND5s ½
314WGMNi Shiqun2407CHN5w 1
412WGMTokhirjonova Gulrukhbegim2422UZB4,5s 1
59WIMZhu Jiner2454CHN5,5w 1
613IMMunguntuul Batkhuyag2412MGL6s ½
78WGMGirya Olga2457RUS5,5w 1
817IMGuo Qi2375CHN6s ½
95GMHarika Dronavalli2492IND6w ½