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63º JUC's 2019 - Jogos Universitários Catarinense - XADREZ Masculino

Last update 07.07.2019 21:59:21, Creator/Last Upload: Kaiser Luiz Mafra

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Starting rank

1NMStarke Bruno Orlando34667212871321952211UFSC
2NMCarstens Dobuchak Thiago30093212411421492208UFSC
3De Carvalho Christopher34280217297621042136UFSC
4Da Luz Felipe Garcia39599215880919141967UNIPLAC
5Okawati Gabriel Akira30219213419518852030UDESC
6Dickel Henrique De Oliveira39400217729318321877UNIPLAC
7De Lima Lucas Correa42279217154617831906UNISOCIESC
8Ribeiro Carrico Victor Hugo36906213994417381937UDESC
9Fante Gabriel46722219685916301845UNOCHAPECO
10Borges Paulo Felipe Rosa522812272873215221792UNIPLAC
11Pellis Matheus39550216370514771739UNISOCIESC
12Ferlin Pedro Henrique Vebber34534217122801801UNIARP
13Estevao Guilherme Cardoso3802901800UDESC
14Dos Santos Leonardo Masson3940701800UNIPLAC
15Gallina Alisson Felipe000IFC
16De Moura Jhonathan Facin000UFSC
17Randing Matheus Melo000UNIVILLE
18De Alquimim Goncalves Victor Hugo000UDESC