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VI Campeonato Nacional de la Juventud 2019, Sub 10 Absoluto

Last update 08.07.2019 14:28:00, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION VENEZOLANA DE AJEDREZ (Li.11)

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Starting rank list

1Urdaneta Morales Hector Aaron3953920VEN1353ZUL
2Merida Ceballos Sebastian3939944VEN1333DCA
3Montoya Jimenez Urano Rigoberto3967581VEN1176MIR
4Bracho Ortega Alexander Rafael3946576VEN1163FAL
5Gil Oviedo Luis Felipe3940934VEN1103LAR
6Rivero Ochoa Alan Alexis3946258VEN1103MIR
7Parra Torres Frenyer Antonio3970205VEN1068MIR
8Chacin Quintana Nicolas Terepaima3962652VEN1067ANZ
9De Jesus Aguilera Gabriel David3953165VEN1064MIR
10Gonzalez Gil Samuel David3964167VEN1036ANZ
11Arape Rangel Alex Beethoven3953793VEN1005MER
12Casares Ugueto Santiago De Jesus3973620VEN0DCA
13Gimon Jimenez Luis Alejandro3970701VEN0MON
14Gimon Jimenez Miguel Alexander3970710VEN0MON
15Godoy Caruso Angel Eduardo3962504VEN0ANZ
16Goncalvez Abreu Fabian Ricardo3962970VEN0ANZ
17Guzman Alcala Harold YosietVEN0ANZ
18Hernandez Rojas Esteban Alejandro3966720VEN0DCA
19Lopez Rodriguez Diego Andres3951790VEN0ANZ
20Mora Martinez Aaron Alejandro3946541VEN0ARA