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Pojedinacno prvenstvo Srbije 2011 Kragujevac

Last update 13.03.2011 19:58:58, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of central Serbia

Starting rank list of players

3GMIvanisevic IvanSRB2630
1GMPerunovic MilosSRB2565
4GMBogosavljevic BobanSRB2561
13GMMiladinovic IgorSRB2556
12GMSedlak NikolaSRB2556
9GMDamljanovic BrankoSRB2555
5GMPikula DejanSRB2537
11GMTadic BrankoSRB2518
10GMMilanovic DaniloSRB2517
14GMDrazic SinisaSRB2487
7GMAbramovic BoskoSRB2460
6IMSaric SinisaSRB2448
8Nestorovic LazarSRB2323
2Lukovic VladimirSRB2234