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Last update 07.07.2019 10:00:02, Creator/Last Upload: Vasanth BH

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Starting rank

1WFMMakhija Aashna25011944IND2067
2WFMBommini Mounika Akshaya25019872IND2063
3Bakshi Rutuja5016509IND1958
4WFMPotluri Supreetha25053094IND1873
5WIMChandreyee Hajra5056535IND1868
6Eesha Ajay Sarda35028677IND1752
7Shah Vishwa25000594IND1734
8Rathi Dhanashree25071467IND1685
9Ishvi Aggarwal25728890IND1664
10Devanshi Rathi25041452IND1553
11Poornima Gupta25757253IND1467
12Shreya Arvind Rathi25065351IND1261
13Sushma Reddy B25616943IND1222
14Manaswini Maheshweram45037795IND1146
15Emanuel Prithee14330628RSA1128
16Mehak Valecha25125214IND0
17Varnika Vashisht25900986IND0