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Kampionati Kombetar per te Rinj 2019-U12

Last update 28.06.2019 18:16:22, Creator/Last Upload: Albanian Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Qerimi Aron4704371ALB1214
2Kuci Jorik4705009ALB1191
3Kosta Kelvin4703855ALB1141
4Brisku Sotiraq4704479ALB1096
5Omeri Eklea4703804ALB1096
6Aruci Nesar4705068ALB0
7Doda Endri4704622ALB0
8Gjoka Dhimitrios4705769ALB0
9Mema Klean4706005ALB0
10Protoduari Adri4704231ALB0
11Roko Laert4705831ALB0
12Sherollari Semion4705874ALB0