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The Chess Capital Training Games: Blitz

Last update 22.06.2019 14:45:43, Creator/Last Upload: Indian Chess School

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Starting rank

1Iyer A N5085802IND1545
2Shah Devansh46672257IND1512
3Wagle Rajas25779613IND1164
4Gada Om25692755IND1124
5Nipun Dangche25798057IND1117
6Yash Uday Sane25918753IND1052
7Vora Dhwani25693107IND1015
8Char AarnovIND0
9Dharmadhikari AaryanIND0
10Shah JigarIND0
11Soni NidhiIND0
12Wakcharure ApurvIND0