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Last update 04.08.2019 23:50:59, Creator/Last Upload: Metrópole Xadrez Clube

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Starting rank list

1Fonseca Luis Ernesto Serra Azul15462132567BRA19662034
2Pertuzatti Daniel289642110962BRA19352034PG Porto Alegre-Rs
3Perondi Rodolfo Antonio224252170949BRA1887201560,21 Porto Alegre-RS
4Pedroso Denian402242158574BRA18822002120,07 Cxi-Clebert Ivo Fetter-Igrej
5Da Silva Joao Carlos Orguim220302121654BRA17931953PG Porto Alegre-RS
6Calsing Ado321622740074BRA1717200760,02 Novo Hamburgo-Rs
7Schmidt Nelton Vantuir98022734058BRA17131827S6060,23 Porto Alegre-RS
8Pereira Armando Scharlau1052122006BRA16901906S60PG São Leopoldo-RS
9Dos Santos Guilherme Fortes402342158418BRA16821873120,03 Cxi - Clebert Ivo Fetter-Igr
10Da Silva Anderson Batista Brum440172186217BRA1662188760,04 Porto Alegre-Rs
11Martins Adroildo Jose367952126095BRA16601885PNE60,14 ACERGS
12Friedrich Carlos Ernesto G.377302170868BRA16341793S60PG Porto Alegre-Rs
13Dummer Micael Schwenske429542177331BRA16311807PG Pelotas-RS
14Kuciak Alexandre452292195992BRA1566170160,12 Porto Alegre-Rs
15Andersson Cristian de Oliveira3814122745645BRA14621782PG Pelotas-RS
16Calsing Enzo Guedes5486922740449BRA12911692U1860,03Novo Hamburgo-Rs
17Lopez Sandy Castro5323422735801BRA01800wU18PG Alvorada-RS
18Vieira Regina Teresinha5928122761950BRA01773wPG Porto Alegre-RS
19Nunes da Silva Tadeu Fernando456462192055BRA01751S60PG Porto Alegre-RS
20Gomes Homero Araujo304392136783BRA01558S60PG Porto Alegre-Rs
21Dos Santos Diego Dias60348BRA00PG Porto Alegre-RS
22Real Eduardo de Oliveira Soares5971522766685BRA00PG Pelotas-RS
23Real Mauro de Vasconcellos5973122766693BRA00PG Pelotas-RS