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Final Trofeo Cabildo 2011 IV Memorial Pedro Lezcano Montalvo

Last update 06.04.2011 22:52:31, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Federation (Arbiter Comitee)

Starting rank list of players

8IMOrtega Hermida Daniel2220814ESP23832367La Caja de Las Palmas
1IMBrito Garcia Alfredo2200520ESP23302313R.C. Victoria
7FMMenvielle Laccourreye Augusto2200317ESP22652257C.A. Anand
5Gutierrez Olivares Daniel2264005ESP22052198R.C. Victoria
10Gonzalez Garcia Guillermo W2202751ESP22032203Cadetra
2Natalicchio Escalante Nicolas811599ESP22012199R.C. Victoria
3Angel Acosta Juan Carlos2219700ESP21812178R.C. Victoria
9Also Alvarado Luis2224135ESP21782180R.C. Victoria
4Garcia Caballero Luis2209217ESP21632105Villa de Teror
6FMGonzalez Intelangelo Gerardo2204940ESP20612072Casa Museo El Patio