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Final Nacional Sub-14 Absoluto 2019

Darrera actualització01.07.2019 19:54:07, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FECODAZ

Llista del rànquing inicial

1CMChavez Brayan Steven4437993VAL1939
3Campos Gomez Manuel4444710VAL1897Club Botvinnik Palmira
5CMLopez Ramirez David Santiago4439333CUN1891
10Gonzalez Leandro4452879VAL1707Carlos Cuartas Cali
2Donneys Franz4469941VAL1615
7Carvajal Barreto Misael Camilo4454847ATL1548Club Rey Y Dama
8Gaona Ballesteros Andres4453298BOY1525
6Cabiativa Juan Esteban4482174BOG1514
9Campos Perilla Felix Santiago4473078TOL1444
4Forero Pacheco Andres Alonso4488768ATL1435