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Final Nacional Sub-10 Femenina 2019

Last update 01.07.2019 21:15:59, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Starting rank list of players

1Soto Ospina Ana Maria4474902VAL1501w
4De Leon Villarreal Gabriela4469682VAL1444w
10Moreno Otavo Stephany4488245VAL1401w
6Gonzalez Velasquez Juana Valentina4478720TOL1397w
7Torres Puentes Camila4473655BOL1384w
8Rodriguez Bernal Lucy Angelina4474171CUN1366w
2Grisales Hoyos Isabella4482085VAL1282w
5Campos Perilla Ximena Estefania4479904TOL1210w
9Reyes Pinzon Isabella4482247SAN1187w
3Posada Realpe Isabel Sofia4457501VAL1073w