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IM turneringen 4Springare 2019

Last update 21.06.2019 21:24:40, Creator/Last Upload: Sport Chess Federation Yaroslavl region

Starting rank list of players

8IMGrishchenko Sergey4136730RUS2411
7FMSeo Jung Min1734687SWE2392
6FMPantzar Milton1721003SWE2379
5IMTsyhanchuk Stanislav13505130BLR2359
4FMSorensen Hampus8703884SWE2333
10FMKononenko Dmitry14113538UKR2267
9IMOdnorozhenko Evgenyi14116588UKR2247
3Papunidi Matvey13510770BLR2092
1Mattsson Michael1708961SWE2053
2Vainerchuk Barys13512595BLR1912