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JAPFA Grandmaster Chess Tournament 2019

Last update 21.06.2019 16:46:10, Creator/Last Upload: JAPFA CHESS CLUB

Starting rank list of players

1GMKokarev Dmitry4132181RUS2609
6GMSokolov Ivan14400030NED2595
7GMMegaranto Susanto7101384INA2548
5GMKhusnutdinov Rustam13701703KAZ2471
12IMPriasmoro Novendra7105029INA2457
9IMTaher Yoseph Theolifus7105347INA2446
3IMRaghunandan Kaumandur Srihari25004964IND2442
4IMDas Arghyadip5003610IND2439
11IMCuhendi Sean Winshand7101554INA2422
10FMSetyaki Azarya Jodi7101589INA2421
2IMRavi Teja S.5017220IND2405
8WGMAulia Medina Warda7101570INA2375