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Simultânea às cegas GM Robert Hungaski

Last update 02.07.2019 05:01:56, Creator/Last Upload: ECP

Starting rank list of players

1GMHungaski Robert2021030USA2488
11Chiaretti Flavio Mario2174952BRA1854
6Funayama S A Yuri22714286BRA1584
4Atanes Neto Severiano2114682BRA1524
7Caribe Santos Luiz Carlos2171708BRA1483
8Pedote Paschoal2190486BRA1258
5Pessoa Sob Caetano Estelita C.2194147BRA1131
9Amaral Mauro2128900BRA0
10da Silva Ferreira RogérioBRA0
3Guimarães Adriano Ulisses LimaBRA0
2Meletti Vitor Cordeiro22746870BRA0