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26th Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival - Masters

Last update 10.08.2019 12:50:17, Creator/Last Upload: Khoori3

Player overview for ROU

34GMIstratescu Andrei2561ROU11½½½½0½04,563Masters
51IMCostachi Mihnea2471ROU10½½½½½½½4,578Masters

Results of the last round for ROU

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMIstratescu Andrei2561 0 - 1 IMMendonca Leon Luke2401
IMCostachi Mihnea24714 ½ - ½4 Bhambure Shantanu2288

Player details for ROU

GM Istratescu Andrei 2561 ROU Rp:2487 Pts. 4,5
1108WIMPriyanka Nutakki2259IND4s 1
2114FMDeshpande Aniruddha2234IND4,5w 1
312GMYilmaz Mustafa2614TUR4w ½
417GMTabatabaei M.Amin2601IRI6,5s ½
516GMZubov Alexander2607UKR6w ½
620GMPetrov Nikita2595RUS5,5s ½
78GMTer-Sahakyan Samvel2632ARM5,5w 0
857IMKrishna C R G2444IND4,5s ½
970IMMendonca Leon Luke2401IND5,5w 0
IM Costachi Mihnea 2471 ROU Rp:2340 Pts. 4,5
1126Soham Datar2192IND2,5w 1
212GMYilmaz Mustafa2614TUR4s 0
399WIMVantika Agrawal2287IND3,5w ½
490WGMZhang Xiaowen2316CHN4s ½
583CMMullick Raahil2355IND5w ½
688IMKathmale Sameer2326IND4s ½
789FMKrishnater Kushager2324IND4w ½
881WIMDivya Deshmukh2360IND4,5s ½
998Bhambure Shantanu2288IND4,5w ½