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26th Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival - Masters

Last update 10.08.2019 12:50:17, Creator/Last Upload: Khoori3

Player overview for GEO

26GMJobava Baadur2584GEO111111½1½81Masters
31GMPaichadze Luka2570GEO½11½01½½½5,523Masters

Results of the last round for GEO

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMYakubboev Nodirbek2574 ½ - ½ GMJobava Baadur2584
GMPaichadze Luka25705 ½ - ½5 GMAkopian Vladimir2650

Player details for GEO

GM Jobava Baadur 2584 GEO Rp:2908 Pts. 8
1100WGMGomes Mary Ann2286IND4s 1
269IMAgmanov Zhandos2402KAZ5,5w 1
339GMXu Yi2531CHN5,5s 1
411GMIndjic Aleksandar2617SRB6,5w 1
53GMSalem A.R. Saleh2668UAE6,5s 1
64GMMaghsoodloo Parham2656IRI6,5w 1
72GMNi Hua2668CHN6,5s ½
813GMBartel Mateusz2612POL6,5w 1
928GMYakubboev Nodirbek2574UZB7s ½
GM Paichadze Luka 2570 GEO Rp:2593 Pts. 5,5
1105FMAaryan Varshney2272IND4w ½
282FMDixit Nikhil2358IND4s 1
367WGMVaishali R2411IND4,5w 1
415GMAravindh Chithambaram Vr.2607IND6w ½
511GMIndjic Aleksandar2617SRB6,5s 0
672WGMSoumya Swaminathan2377IND3,5s 1
77GMVolokitin Andrei2636UKR5w ½
81GMKryvoruchko Yuriy2686UKR5,5s ½
95GMAkopian Vladimir2650ARM5,5w ½