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2011 U 15 Addis Ababa women project tournament

Last update 21.06.2019 06:19:23, Creator/Last Upload: Dejen

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Starting rank

1Abyssinia BediluETH0
2Amirya AhmedETH0
3Birtukan SimenehETH0
4Dagmawit AbatkunETH0
5Fnot GetanehETH0
6Hana ArayaETH0
7Hana AtkiltETH0
8Hayat AhmedETH0
9Hayat MelanETH0
11Kawsar MohamedETH0
12Mekdelawit YetayoETH0
13Mekdes AbiyeETH0
14Melkam AbiyeETH0
15Meseret EshetuETH0
16Nejat MohamedETH0
17Ribka GeremewETH0
18Ruta AmanuelETH0
19Selam KidanuETH0
20Selamawit SeleshiETH0
21Tsion KassahunETH0
22Yeabsira SolomonETH0
23Abeba NigussieETH0
24Atalay FikaduETH0
25Genet BejaETH0