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2011 U 15 Addis Ababa open project tournament

Last update 21.06.2019 06:19:03, Creator/Last Upload: Dejen

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Starting rank

1Abebaw KindeETH0
2Abel GeremewETH0
3Abel GirmaETH0
4Abrham TesfayeETH0
6Besufikad BirhanuETH0
7Dagim KenaETH0
8Eyoel GetachewETH0
9Eyosiyas KasahunETH0
10Getinet AlemuETH0
11Kirubel KetemaETH0
12Melaku GetachewETH0
13Mikiyas BuzunehETH0
14Muluken AgegnehuETH0
15Solomon MebreETH0
16Surafel WondimuETH0
17Tadesse AgegnehuETH0
18Temesgen AlemuETH0
19Yabsira AbebawETH0
20Yabsira SeifuETH0
21Yosef BeyeneETH0