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Festival AM Juvenil 2019

Last update 08.06.2019 22:48:41, Creator/Last Upload: Clube de Xadrez Manauara - CXM

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Starting rank list

1Gomes Inácio de Oliveira Guilherme57059BRA1798
2Barbosa Mesquita Eduardo58188BRA1797
3Ritchielly dos Santos Vieira Leonardo57049BRA1789
4Melo do Val Akillys58221BRA1775
5Azevedo de Vasconcelos Ivan45162BRA1702
6Araújo Sobrinho Samir0BRA0
7Castilho Freitas Vinícius0BRA0
8Otávio João Otávio0BRA0
9Santos de Castro Maycon Emanuel0BRA0
10de Souza Lima Isaac Davih0BRA0