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Ch BLR 2019 w

Last update 07.06.2019 14:16:46, Creator/Last Upload: BELARUS CHESS FEDERATION

Starting rank list of players

6WGMStetsko Lanita13505300BLR2226
7WFMKusenkova Natallia13506501BLR2214
1WGMLagvilava Genrieta13500201BLR2171
9WFMIlyuchyk Yana13508407BLR2137
10WGMEidelson Rakhil13500210BLR2112
4Malatsilava Volha13508512BLR2031
3Prakapuk Vera13507052BLR1988
8WIMKasparova Tatiana13501453BLR1970
5Stashis Anna13507567BLR1902
2Tarasenka Aliaksandra13514288BLR1875