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IV IRT de Ajedrez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Sede Ocaña

Last update 06.09.2019 04:17:32, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1FMVidal Melendez Ismael David3901718VEN2315
2IMPalencia Morales Wilson Guillermo4401859VEN2293
3FMSanchez Alvares Kelvin Antonio3906680VEN2224
4FMMartinez Jorge Alexander4402812SAN2219
5Ojeda Jesus David4401743NS2105
6Sequeda Ramirez Pablo3901130VEN2026
7Zambrano Linares Ramon Alberto3903087VEN1987
8Aguas Jose Luis4406435SAN1967
9Silva Torres Jorge J4425006CES1938
10Arias Juan Carlos4432002NS1936
11Correa Pineda William4418484NS1914
12Campos Gomez Manuel4444710VAL1881Club Botvinnik Palmira
13Jaimes Caceres Fredy Alexander4418514NS1858Discapacitado Visual
14Bayona Navarro Ivan Alonso4462246ANT1850
15Duarte Carreno Samuel Dario4431928NS1818
16Pereira Henry Alberto4433270NS1806
17Sepulveda Leidon Leonardo4424913NS1789
18Martinez Paipa Hernan4412818NS1758
19Afanador Duran Elias4442490ANT1746
20Angarita Alvarez Gissel Karine4462220NS1689
21Rojas Mendoza Joun Sun4458508NS1685
22Sanchez Alonso4477189NS1677
23Franco Perez William4418344NS1597Discapacitado Visual
24Sandoval Cesar4406532SAN1590
25Florez Caceres Rafael Omar4480384SAN1561
26Sierra Henry Alberto4460570SAN1487
27Rodriguez Mogollon Teresa4462416NS1476
28Ascanio Lugo Juan Pablo4469437NS1454
29CMNegron Lizarazo Juan Sebastian3936910NS1256
30Florez Leidy Lucila4489128SAN1600
31Arenas Perez Luis Antonio4462238CES1589
32Lizarazo Mario4457021NS1580
33Rosas Arias Juan David4490932NS1574
34Santiago Paez Yimi Leonardo4469496NS1574
35Madariaga Manzano Ena Beatriz4462343NS1534
36Sepulveda Jose Rafael4477200NS1438
37Sepulveda Dani Alonso4477197NS1436
38Pena Jaime Juan Pablo4462394NS1405
39Arenas Paula4455126CES1361
40Ballena Perez Diego Fernando4490940NS0
41Trillos Martinez Diomar Andres4490959NS0