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Copa FEXEG 2019

Last update 20.05.2019 00:37:17, Creator: Testversion,Last Upload: Federacao de Xadrez do Estado de Goias

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Starting rank list

1NMGarcia Gabriel Gonzaga2138956BRA2202
2FMSztokbant Bernardo Vainzoff2115956BRA2149
3Mourao Igor A. C. Lofredo2102544BRA2109
4FMMartins George Evandro Barreto2102277BRA2106
5Labussiere Yago2186969BRA2082
6Labussiere Victor2183129BRA2038
7De Souza Sa Apolo324225390FID2017
8Colivet Briceno Julio Cesar3956032BRA1946
9Rosa Paulo Estevao2126036BRA1894
10Franca Junior Jairo2150816BRA1857
11Sergio Filho Claudio dos Santos2107678BRA1844
12Kunzler Jonas Augusto22747923BRA1749
13De Moura Valderi Nascimento2110717BRA1738
14Ferraz Michel Liah22743219BRA1694
15Ribeiro Gabriel Carolino Alves22747940BRA1620
16Valente Fernando Cesar2125510BRA1513
17Di Simoni Rafaela Moura2138913BRA1495
18Raggiotto Mauro Cezar2145928BRA1488
19Franca Jairo2152142BRA1453
20De Faria Joao Victor Rodrigues22729640BRA1408
21De Oliveira Caio Guilherme V.2196433BRA1388
22Colivet Gamboa Julio Cesar3949583BRA1376
23Aguiar Luisa OliveiraBRA1295
24De Oliveira Enzo Resende22724621BRA1242
25De Oliveira Joao Lucas Vieira22722998BRA1158
26Evangelista Fabio SoaresBRA0
27Quirino Rafael David22759247BRA0