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17 "World`s Youth Stars" Vanya Somov's Memorial

Last update 22.05.2019 13:22:18, Creator/Last Upload: Orlov Vassilii

Starting rank list of players

4IMDaneshvar Bardiya12576468IRI2324
11FMTsvetkov Andrey34139360RUS2309
10FMLazavik Denis13515110BLR2300
8Piliposyan Robert13309978ARM2257
9Safin Robert34189120RUS2175
5CMKirillov Dmitry34180572RUS2174
2Muradyan Robert13309374ARM2124
6WFMKirchei Viktoriia34133396RUS2120
12Mochalin Faddey34147290RUS2079
7WFMStepanyan Eva34165980RUS2025
3Kuznetsov Dmitriy A.34244751RUS1515
1Pecherskiy Timofey34165018RUS1474