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Championship of North Macedonia 2019

Last update 28.05.2019 15:41:16, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Macedonia (1)

Starting rank list of players

9GMGeorgiev Kiril2900017MKD2588
4IMPancevski Filip15002187MKD2500
8GMStanojoski Zvonko15000257MKD2447
6IMNikolovski Nikola15002314MKD2391
7IMDanchevski Orce15000311MKD2341
1FMLazov Toni15000770MKD2295
10FMAndonovski Ljubisa15000427MKD2276
2FMVeleski Robert15001008MKD2189
3Risteski Emil15005267MKD2130
5Krstev Emil15000958MKD2035