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Ch BLR U20 m 2019

Last update 19.05.2019 14:05:16, Creator/Last Upload: BELARUS CHESS FEDERATION

Starting rank list of players

3IMNikitenko Mihail13506862BLR2417
10IMZarubitski Viachaslau13509373BLR2416
7FMStrybuk Artsiom I13515659BLR2294
5Tsaruk Maksim13511173BLR2229
6FMSiniauski Artsiom13512269BLR2219
9CMSilich Yahor13513656BLR2170
1CMNavumenka Mikhei13514075BLR2165
4Galkin Gleb13512692BLR2163
2Papunidi Matvey13510770BLR2148
8Runets Ivan13511564BLR2123