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14th Thailand Junior Chess Championship 2019 U16+18

Last update 10.05.2019 09:43:10, Creator/Last Upload: Sahapol Nakvanich

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Starting rank

1Pheephacharakan Pinatpong6202268THA1842U16
2Asavasaetakul Chawit6204856THA1712U16
3Chaiongkarn Bunyapon6204813THA1584U16
4Plakwongsirikul Sakkaranant6204414THA1555U16
5Kingpoom Sakdiphat6207111THA1430U16
6Prayoonthamrongthiti Pisut6210686THA1373U18
7Chotichanathawewong Sanquan6204589THA1356U16
8Ngamdeethae Wimutti6209300THA1342U18
9Saokham Siwabannakorn6204953THA1307U16
10Charoenlarpnopparut Shanon6205305THA1298U16
11Kosaisoonthorn Marwin6211771THA0U16
12Mongkolpradit Harris6209602THA0U18
13Sangsiri Kantapon6209750THA0U16
14Srichawla Adithep6204961THA0U16
15Vitayakovit Thanyathep6211534THA0U16