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Tabellone per classifica (Pts.)

PosSquadra123456789101112 Cls1  Cls2  Cls3 
1SPG Sparkasse SEDDA Grieskirchen/Schalle * 4345517370
2SC Pinggau-Friedberg * 54531736,50
3SV Steyregg1 * 324431028,50
4SPG Fürstenfeld/Hartberg 2223 * 234410280
5Schachfreunde Graz34 * 33928,50
6SPG Sauwald21 * 4248260
7Frauental3 * 337260
8SV Aspernig Transporte St. Veit 213423 * 327252
9EJ Gleisdorf23 * 67250
10SPG Freistadt/Wartberg2234 * 724,50
11ASK St. Valentin132233 * 522,50
12SPG Nettingsdorf/Traun½40 * 416,50

Cls1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Cls2: points (game-points)
Cls3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints