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2011 Oceanic Zonal

Last update 31.01.2011 04:42:59, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank list

1GMZhao Zong-YuanAUS2586
2GMSmerdon DavidAUS2531
3IMXie George WendiAUS2478
4IMLane Gary WAUS2373
5FMCheng BobbyAUS2335
6Ly MoulthunAUS2321
7FMIllingworth MaxAUS2311
8FMSmith Robert WNZL2287
9FMReilly TimAUS2276
10IMMorris JamesAUS2270
11FMIkeda JuntaAUS2262
12IMFeldman VladimirAUS2262
13FMLukey Stephen GNZL2244
14FMSteadman MichaelNZL2242
15Oliver GarethAUS2210
16Brown AndrewAUS2175
17Tan JustinAUS2161
18Schon EugeneAUS2157
19Ogada-Osir IbrahimAUS2152
20Johnson Quentin J FNZL2128
21Marcos JoselitoPNG2095
22FMJones BrianAUS2067
23CMPress ShaunPNG2067
24Pinic NoelNZL2058
25Stevens TristanAUS2050
26WFMMilligan HelenNZL2048
27Zulfic FedjaAUS2024
28Fitzpatrick AndrewAUS2023
29Davis JustinNZL2023
30Dordevic IvanAUS2019
31Fuatai FuataiNZL2015
32Safarian AlekAUS2013
33CMKumar ManojFIJ2011
34Kempen LeonAUS2003
35Ansell AlanNZL2001
36Guo-Yuthok SherabAUS1975
37Bennett HiltonNZL1974
38Flitney AdrianAUS1973
39Nyberg MichaelNZL1969
40Lynn WilliamNZL1962
41Wang OscarAUS1942
42Deen-Cowell NicholasAUS1917
43Forster WilliamNZL1908
44Setiabudi AllenAUS1906
45Voon RichardAUS1904
46CMGoundar SanmogamFIJ1904
47Shaw Robin AAUS1903
48Dolejs DanNZL1892
49Gloistein Bruce HNZL1817
50Bishop JoshuaAUS1797
51Cooper NigelNZL1769
52Antoniazzi FrancescoAUS1685
53Mitchell RobertNZL1672
54Bennett MatthewAUS1650
55Yao Winston Yow-JenNZL0
56Qin TomsonAUS1028