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Wonderboom Interhuis 2019 U9

Last update 20.05.2019 17:53:47, Creator/Last Upload: Lelanie Van Der Westhuizen

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Starting rank

1Roelofse JohaniRSA1241
2Dreyer ThomasRSA994
3Frias RicardoRSA963
4Klopper Phillippus ArnoRSA812
5Bonnin JuanRSA748
6Grobler AmoretteRSA669
7Meyer EwaldRSA666
8Grundling Hans-HugoRSA662
9Ferreira AdrianiRSA656
10Stone Frederick GeorgRSA581
11Grahan TyloRSA522
12Jonker TertiusRSA522
13Atterbury EdmundRSA0
14Barridge Gabriella Mary-AnneRSA0
15Bornman DanielleRSA0
16Bornman RoxanneRSA0
17Botha DivanRSA0
18Cloete JaydenRSA0
19Coetzee Anje-Lika, ClarissaRSA0
20Cowley OwenRSA0
21Dreyer Margaretha, Maria (Aretha)RSA0
22Du Toit JasonRSA0
23Ferreira NicholisRSA0
24Froneman Bernard, WilhelmRSA0
25Froneman MiaRSA0
26Hayes Jury, LourensRSA0
27Herbst AJ. Le RouxRSA0
28Kayter GerquRSA0
29Kotze Maximilion, JacobusRSA0
30Kruger CarelRSA0
31Leeuwner Danie VersterRSA0
32Lubbe Kean BarendRSA0
33Mokrane GabriellaRSA0
34Muller Christiaan, PieterRSA0
35Nel Luvan, ConnerRSA0
36Potgieter WilmariRSA0
37Pretorius CeciliaRSA0
38Roode Logan, JohannRSA0
39Rossouw IvanRSA0
40Schlunz HeinrichRSA0
41Sibiya Musawenkosi, BdumisoRSA0
42Small DeniseRSA0
43Smit TianRSA0
44Steenkamp LuniqueRSA0
45Stoltz JaydenRSA0
46Swart MignonRSA0
47Van der Merwe KiaanRSA0
48Van Niekerk Christiaan DavidRSA0