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Blessing Cup 3th. U16 G

Last update 27.04.2019 22:22:01, Creator/Last Upload: ljmuller84

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Starting rank list

1Alexis SendleyHAI1800
2Plaisimé WilbersonHAI0
3Alexandre BillyHAI0
4Almonord HuguesHAI0
5Antoine FritzerHAI0
6Auguste Osee FieeryHAI0
7Baptiste DadyHAI0
8Clement VenordHAI0
9Donné Marc EmryHAI0
10Dupiche Sobiesky Calan MaxHAI0
11Décimus JamesleyHAI0
12Exume LisnoHAI0
13Jean Baptiste RubensHAI0
14Jean WoodsonHAI0
15Lapointe DalfsenHAI0
16Laurent LinesHAI0
17Mondélus CardonelHAI0
18Mondésir ToussaintHAI0
19Ocean MackendHAI0
20Paul TheophileHAI0
21Pierre Louis FabriceHAI0
22Pierre LouismalioHAI0
23Pierre MackensonHAI0
24Saint Fort DaritsonHAI0
25Seide CasselinHAI0
26Senezier RoodgyHAI0
27Severe Marc GregoireHAI0
28Simon GeraldsonHAI0
29Tanice Algui JallahHAI0
30Thiersaint CarloHAI0
31Timasse JohnyHAI0
32Vivy ChimgnaytonHAI0