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ARPST Chess Tournament 2019, 2nd Edition

Seinast dagført28.04.2019 10:42:47, Creator/Last Upload: Rwanda Chess-Federation

Search for player Leita


1CMKabera Godfrey16000080RWA1845MINECOFIN
2Rukimbira Valentin16000323RWA1829IPRC SOUTH
3Nzabanita Joseph16000480RWA1809UR
4Niyibizi Alain Patience16000072RWA1712REG
5Ganza Kevin16000048RWA1600UR
6Mbabazi Gerard16000412RWA1571MOD
7Nyandwi Anastase16000374RWA1363RWFA
8Bakareke ThierryRWA0IPRC KIGALI
9Kaisire Paul16000463RWA0MOD
10Kaluwi DanielRWA0WASAC