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Romania National Youth Championships 2019 - boys U20

Last update 26.04.2019 13:13:53, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 12)

Starting rank list of players

1FMVasiesiu Victor1243772ROU2241Css Targu Mures
4CMGeiger Alex-Emanuel1227785ROU2212Csu Universitatea De Vest Timi
3ISandu Marian-Catalin1219782ROU2103Csm Ploiesti
5IMiloi Pavel-Dan1230220ROU2062Cs Dinamo Bucurest+Juniorul Constan
6IAlbu George1237128ROU2019Cs Politehnica Iasi
2FMFluerariu Radu-Cristian1218727ROU2002Cs Studentesc Medicina Timisoa