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Kenya Premier Chess League 2019

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony25.11.2019 13:44:31, Creator/Last Upload: Kenya Chess-Federation

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Tabela wg zajętych miejsc (Pkt)

M-sceDrużyna123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627 TB 1  TB 2  TB 3 
1KCB Bank Ltd * 443455454555555545578141,56762,8
2Anchor Chess Club½ * 34344½334443444455445691155129,3
3Equity Chess Club2 * 45454455554555631195730
4Nairobi Chess Academy & Club11 * 335245445555631155198,3
5Nairobi Chess Club * 4504455355444555459111,55048,5
6Technical University of Kenya12½2 * 14345355534455100,54538
7Deadly Bishops2124 * 1224223434452452954485,5
8Black Knights Chess Club½1114 * 4433555455195,54131,5
9NACHA Kings10001 * 2133424344454987,53684
10Jomo Kenyatta University of Science & Te023 * 5445351455454693,54277
11Nakuru Chess Club½21353 * 5112445554344692,54189
12Bank of Africa½1½14 * 3535415155554489,54011
13Trojan Warriors0½12300 * 343555454543843376,8
14University of Nairobi11011422 * 123553454554186,53714,3
15Victoria Chess Club01003103 * 111353553443366,52677
16Eastlands Chess Club111003½2142134 * 41322553532682954,5
17Strathmore University02½½220½024 * 33252431662837,3
18Nairobi Gymkhana1½001230412 * 34254552664,52767,3
19Daystar University01010½2½30112½42 * 3½44325526582295,3
20Kenyatta University010½½111414002212 * 134305421512193
21Prox Chess House010½1021100102234 * 11942,51953,3
22Lighthouse Chess Club010110210422212 * 1153315462201,8
23Mombasa Chess Club00100010½000000104 * 51½14271106
24Stima Chess Club00000010100000002240 * 1012271100
25Knight Riders110002001010002021330½ * 411025,51192
26Limuru Pawns Chess Club010010011001011½00021041 * 2922942,5
27Mombasa Chess Academy00010100010000010012520 * 918,5627,5

TB 1: Matchpoints (3 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
TB 2: points (game-points) + 1 point for each won match.
TB 3: FIDE-Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break