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Japan Senior Chess Championship 2019 シニア選手権

Last update 14.09.2019 16:22:52, Creator/Last Upload: NCS

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Starting rank

1Matsuda Ryu7000502JPN20912091
2Tabata Minoru7000308JPN20761918
3Manabe Hiroshi7000820JPN20572085
4Gishi Takeshi2025507USA20492049
5Ishii Ichiro7000260JPN19041789
6Aoki Yasuhiro7001410JPN18601749
7Kanda Daigo7000456JPN18171818
8Ogasa Seiichi7000154JPN18121755
9Hamane Kenichi7000600JPN17701616
10Koyama Nobuyuki7002327JPN17241681
11Numata Takeshi7002041JPN16591594
12Takayasu Nobuyuki7000189JPN16201572
13Taniguchi Yuichi7003137JPN12491207
14Diba Seyed Reza7000081JPN01493
15Obata Akitoshi7003749JPN01146
16Suzuki Hiroaki7003455JPN01121
17Truter Kris7003846JPN01120