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Festival d escacs del 150 aniversari del Centre Torneig 3 (215929)

Last update 28.06.2019 02:38:20, Creator/Last Upload: Jaume Gallart Zafra

Starting rank list of players

5Molina Tabernero Jordi14621722Tres Peons C.E.
6Bassand Dominique01700Tres Peons C.E.
1Benages Mabres Valenti01700Tres Peons C.E.
8Donadeu Buitrago Jordi01700Tres Peons C.E.
3Perez Perez Roberto14271665Barcelona, Club Escacs
9Boldu Zabih Llorenc15641652Edami C.E.
7Cantero Magallon Alejandro13211638Tres Peons C.E.
4Dominguez Diaz Francisco13251638Peon Negro, Club D'escacs
2Cantero Magallon Inigo11031517Tres Peons C.E.