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Last update 27.04.2019 18:54:21, Creator/Last Upload: fvda

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Starting rank list

1Moreno Estebanez Patxi24538663ESP2153G - 2099
2Toledo Sanz Imanol24557927ESP2142B - 1935
3Tafall Villanueva Ander24540781ESP1954G - 1918
4De Las Heras Figueroa Rodrigo24508314ESP1918A - 1919
5Malon Insausti Andres24513644ESP1854N - 1868
6Martin Ibisate Xabier24557951ESP1833B - 1888
7Pereira Lopez Aketza24544167ESP1810B - 1874
8Caballero Acosta Erlantz24536954ESP1806B - 1775
9Elexpe Garcia Aritz Eder24533386ESP1800B - 1886
10Zoco Gallardo Ignacio24533556ESP1771B - 1911
11Pomares Munoz Ruben24524760ESP1662A - 1778
12Berasategui Morillo Alberto24557935ESP1646B - 1832
13Duo Iruretagoyena Aitor54548896ESP1507G - 1641
14Nichei Anatoli24599751ESP1463B - 1552
15Gonzalez Lopez Marcelo54501440ESP1400A - 1691
16Palomo Tamayo Jose Maria24508357ESP1369A - 1561
17Apellaniz Perez Estibaliz24562254ESP1359G - 1677
18Ruiz Bonito Imanol54507081ESP1202B - 1616