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Tournoi de Classement d'Avril

Last update 20.04.2019 18:10:44, Creator/Last Upload: Burundi chess federation

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Starting rank list

1Bigirimana GastonBDI0Strategy
2Bonthala LakshmiBDI0Queens
3Bonthala ShilpaBDI0Queens
4Gakiza BerthrandBDI0uar
5Ingabire Alain MichelBDI0Jaguar
6Johnson ZachBDI0
7Ladhani ArkishBDI0Queens
8Manirakiza DenisBDI0Strategy
9Manolios AndreasBDI0BAIA
10Manolios AlexandrosBDI0BAIA
11Nduwimana RosimbergBDI0
12Nkunzimana EmeryBDI0Strategy
13Ntagasigumwami DéoBDI0Srategy
14Perakam ShradhaBDI0Queens