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C.N. sah copii, juniori, tineret 2019 - fete 20 ani

Last update 22.04.2019 12:40:36, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 25)

Starting rank list of players

6WCMNastase Andreea-Cristina1935Clubul Central De Sah Bucurest
1WCMStanciu Andreea-Briana1930Cs Otopeni
4WCMCimpean Andra1868Csu Universitatea De Vest Timi
3IPelin Ana-Maria1807Cs Dinamo Bucuresti
2IPopa Andrada1568Cs Universitar Ploiesti
5IIBogdan Andrada-Ioana1328Cs Universitar Ploiesti