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Tancat Escacs Vall del Tenes 2019 (217180) Norma MC = 5,5/8

Last update 22.06.2019 01:16:59, Creator/Last Upload: Escola d'Escacs d'Osona

Starting rank list of players

2MKOrtega Serra Marc150762293137CAT23522399Cerdanyola Valles C.E.
3Serrat Rifa Ernest114062291410CAT21242207Olot
9MKHerms Agullo Jordi68862213834CAT20492197Granollers-Canovelles
8Soler Colome Valenti70722230364CAT20492186Granollers-Canovelles
5Prats Safont Sergi2395932092180CAT20452214Llinars, Club D'escacs
7Buldo Polls Joan35472278758CAT19982097Cardedeu C.E.
1Simon Del Sol Jaume52912274035CAT19962175Moia Moianes C.E.
4Centelles Vives Aleix2205432037457CAT19912173Vall Del Tenes, Club Escacs
6Cordomi Forns Francesc119812269252CAT18962114Vall Del Tenes, Club Escacs