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MSR 2019 deti a mladeze CH08

Last update 30.04.2019 11:36:24, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

1Meszaros Casey Ryan14963205SVK12190Ksn Bratislava
10Sun Martin14963701SVK10340Ksn Bratislava
2Kulich Filip14963230SVK10180Sk Povazske Podhradie
3Brnusak Simon14966999SVK01000Liptovska Sachova Skola
4Cirsky Lubor14964333SVK01000Tj Mladost Zilina
8Kluska David14966883SVK01000Oravska Sachova Skola
5Kriska Alexander14963183SVK01000Sachy Reinter Humenne
6Tkac Alex14966867SVK01000Sachy Reinter Humenne
9Zelenka Matej14964309SVK01000Sks Dubnica N/V
7Zvoda Marek14967065SVK01000Individualny Clen