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The 3rd all Ethiopian students open individual championship

Last update 31.03.2019 09:49:40, Creator/Last Upload: Dejen

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Starting rank

1Abeselom GobezeETH0
2Adem TofiqETH0
3Biniyam AkliluETH0
4Biniyam HaileETH0
5Biruk DejeneETH0
6Daniel NigussieETH0
7Emanuael DereseETH0
8Eyob AddisETH0
9Eyuael DesalegnETH0
10Fisiha DestaETH0
11Habtamu BayeETH0
12Kibret MisganETH0
13Kidus EyobETH0
14Mehari GetanehETH0
15Mikael NegasiETH0
16Muuz HabtuETH0
17Negussie BirhaneETH0
18Petros OlanaETH0
19Robel SemayatETH0
20Shumet MussieETH0
21Teklay YemaneETH0
22Tilahun GetinetETH0
23Weldeselassie GebreegziabherETH0
24Wiliam KidanemariamETH0
25Yabsira AbebawETH0
26Yabsira TesfayeETH0
27Yakob UkamikaelETH0
28Yordanos BekeleETH0
29Yosef BeyeneETH0
30Yosef TsegayeETH0